Dry Skin Brushing
Dry Skin Brushing
This new service has been added due to popular request! Our clients asked for a service that can benefit
their lymphatic system while providing exfoliation for the skin and Dry Skin Brushing does just that!
What to expect
Dry Skin Brushing is a 30-minute treatment that stimulates circulation with brisk strokes of a body brush
in the direction of lymphatic flow. Stimulating the lymphatic system in turn helps the body rid itself of
toxins and increase immune function. Dry Skin Brushing also stimulates the skin, sloughing off dead skin
cells, shrinking pores, toning skin, and reducing the appearance of cellulite. Many report softer, more
supple skin and a boost of energy after this treatment.
How to prepare
Come to your appointment for Dry Skin Brushing well hydrated and with clean skin, free of lotions,
creams, or oils (save these for after!) Opt to bring your own body brush and receive $7 off the regular
price of this treatment!
Who Can Benefit?
The health and wellness benefits of Dry Skin Brushing can be enjoyed by anyone and is particularly
wonderful for:
A lymph and skin-boosting addition to their sauna session,
A gentile aid in detoxification for those who do not tolerate other treatments, hot and/or cold
Anyone needing a moment to relax and feel energized after.
Those aiming to incorporate dry skin brushing routine at home and are unsure how to do it. Let
us show you the proper technique that you can replicate at home!
Special precautions should be taken for:
Extra-sensitive skin
Open skin